My Motherlode, Monthly Meeting - Please come join us, our speaker is Sarah Rogers Nesper M.A. Sarah Rogers Nesper works from her office in Washington Square located in downtown Sonora. She feels honored to help people, mostly women, find their purpose and align with their values in order to reach their goals. These goals can be as simple as following a dream or as complex as following a dream.... Change can be a leap of faith or a well-plotted map to an end. WHERE: Inner Sanctum Wine Tasting room 18204 Main St. Jamestown Date: Wednesday, July 15, 2015 Networking: 5:00 PM Meal: 5:45 PM Dinner Meeting Cost: $25 Reservation Deadline: Midnight Sunday July 12 Reservation Line: 209-536-6336 TCWN members and guests are required to make reservations or cancellations by phone-by the deadline. NO SHOWS of members or their guests will be charged a $25.00 CANCELLATION FEE. DROP-INS may attend, based on availability. Members are responsible for their guests attendance.